[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。
<p>In a city where most construction is done in the rain, a new 20-story high-rise foundation had to have tons of water dumped on it to cure it. The city passes a new building code early and the contractor must add two more subfloor staircases to both sides of the foundation.<br /> The FBI is conducting a SWAT exercise in the same high-rise building many years later. They move the civilians to an upper floor after the building has been opened for a time. One old fellow is missed in the shuffle and goes to the very bottom #3S floor. They halted the elevators during the exercise. Coming up to the main lobby by the staircase, he finds it is full of terrorists. He tries to hide down stairs.<br /> What could cause the exercise to go deadly and have the FBI Commander order his second unit into the building with live ammo?<br /> Why was the radio tech for the exercise, which is a mousy looking, purple colored hair, female with glasses, be field promoted to a Special Agent by the FBI Commander? The Commander next tells his second in command to shoot any agent that does not do what the newest Special Agent says.<br /> Why does the medical staff start to look at the knives the dead SWAT members are still carrying?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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